5 Ways to Share a Business Presentation from an iPhone or iPad It's easy to share a business presentation from your laptop: Just plug your machine into a projector or a large external monitor. But why lug around a heavy laptop when you can present directly from your iPhone or iPad? With the right apps and equipment,
Foxtel Go and and jailbreak. No work! - iPad So first time I jailbroke my iPad and now my foxtel app won't work. Says it can't play on a jailbreaked device etc.. So I downloaded Flex from cydia and install
DisplayOut--==最專業、最眾多的app 介紹、討論網站, app review== iDevice只需要搭配上原廠推出的配件(iPad Dock Connector VGA、Composite AV ... 一定不能錯過「DisplayOut」這款軟體,幫你將iDevice顯示完全都丟上大螢幕吧!
丟掉DisplayOut!讓你的iPhone 4、iPod Touch 四代、iPad 1 也能像 2011年6月9日 ... 在Jailbreak 後,也只有在Cydia 裡安裝上DisplayOut 這個軟體後才能達到 ... 不過 蘋果在iPad 2 出來的時候,針對A5 處理器的機器加入了一個新的 ...
Display Out: Mirror iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch on to External Display ... 2012年6月29日 - 6 分鐘 - 上傳者:OPERATIONiDROID In this video I showcase and teach how to mirror you iDevice's screen on to an external display ...
Download Display Out For iPad By Ryan Petrich [Cydia Tweak] 4 Jun 2010 ... This Cydia tweak is called "Display Out". It is only for jailbroken iPad, and is now available in Cydia. There is no SpringBoard icon, as this just ...
Display out ios8 - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at iMore.com I have ios 8.1.2 jailbroken and want to mirror my iPad to the to via hdmi but since ios8 the display out app in cydia won't work for me.
DisplayOut - Ryan Petrich iPhone 4S and iPad 2: Official HDMI adapter (best) Official VGA cable (better) Official component cable (good) Official composite cable (okay). Supports wireless ...
iOS Jailbreak - [iPad1]免裝DisplayOut 直接升級iPad2 mirroring 鏡像 ... 無法如同DISPLAY OUT 畫面全滿的效果關於這點我沒有IPAD2 無法 ... 我也是很 討厭Apple這點,明明就有的,又不是做不到,就刻意要放在iPad 2.
屏幕输出插件:DisplayOut v1.6.9k _多玩Cydia中文源 2013年2月19日 ... 搜索安装屏幕输出插件:DisplayOut v1.6.9k(搜索名字即可); 4. ... 或其它转接器将您 iPhone4S,iPad2,iPod touch屏幕输出到电视等设备的插件。